We all know that World of Warcraft game. In the world's largest MMORPG players are more than 9 million users. Since its release, more than 5 years, many players have complained about other players cheating, buy cheap wow gold. Blizzard has agreed to take the role to stop those who are selling gold. From what I see, Blizzard has not stopped the gold sales has become a bigger business than over. It relates to my attention, it seems as if a greater proportion of the players, who are looking to buy than ever wow gold. Is it possible that Blizzard is more backward gold sales scene? Whether it is or not, but the players accept the buying and selling cheap wow gold ideals.
World of Warcraft fans are now even selling gold to make their own personal cash to pay an additional subscription fee, they pay Blizzard every month. Blizzard also pointed out that the account is that they, you cannot sell your virtual account. I suspect, did not we buy the game and account? Blizzard may have the right of your character, etc., but you still pay for the game, the key work and your account on their own. You can sell any other game, you do not want to play, why cannot you sell the WOW CD Key and your account?
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I've seen Blizzard do the only job is to ban gold sellers account multiple accounts ban, because they do not seem to stop them as long as there is a lot of players will come from the desire to buy, there will always be a seller who is willing to provide, why not let the players decide what they want? Is not should be happy to meet the players of the game? Blizzard has threatened to stop selling a number of vendors with litigation, but has never been shut down a site I worked with a few sellers, they have received a letter, but not after. What are the benefits of and there is no threat of action to back up your words at this point, I believe that Blizzard might want to give players and allow players to establish a market.